How to Be Your Own Boss

Here are a few essential tips for the would-be business owner.

Choose An Industry

You know you want to be your own boss… but what exactly do you want to do, and which industry do you want to build your business in? If you don’t know the answer, give it some really careful thought. In an ideal world, you’ll want to choose a growing industry with a shortage of supply and an ever-increasing demand. You want to respond to a need with your business to increase your chances of success. But more than that, it’s important to choose an industry where you feel passionate about the work you’re doing every day. There’s no use being your own boss if you don’t enjoy being a part of your business.

Take the home care industry, for example; Australia has an ageing population, so the demand for home care isn’t likely to waver any time soon. And there simply aren’t enough providers to keep up with demand. Plus, facilitating home care is rewarding work. Knowing you’re making a difference in your community serves as motivation for so many home care business owners. Choosing an industry like home care could be a great choice for yourself and your new business.

Learn How to Run a Business

Do you have any business experience? Don’t worry if the answer is no—we all start somewhere. But keep in mind that running a business is an art form, and it doesn’t come naturally to everyone. So, do some research (speak to other business owners or jump online) and try to learn the basics of business before starting your own.

Hot tip: if you want to learn the ins and outs of running a business from people who really know their stuff, consider owning a franchise for your first business. You’ll be given access to proven systems, industry-leading software, and guidance around best practices and ways of working—no experience necessary.

Build a Network

Being your own boss doesn’t mean going it completely alone. In fact, leaning on others for support and mentorship will give your business a better chance of success. So, right from the early days, focus your efforts on building a network of like-minded industry professionals. How, you ask? You could network online, attend events, or make a concerted effort to connect with each person you meet in a professional context. Or, you could invest in a franchise. Franchise business owners get instant access to a support network from the outset of their agreement. This includes business mentors and other franchisees within the system. Utilising every opportunity to connect with other entrepreneurs will be essential for success while you work towards being your own boss. And franchising could give you a head start.

Are you ready to build your own business? At Simply Helping, we’re one of Australia’s leading home care providers with limited franchise locations available now. Build your business with the backing of a well-known Australian brand in a booming industry. Click here to learn more and submit an enquiry today.